2025 Youth winter Retreat

The purpose & heart of this year’s Retreat, is to help those who attend, to realize and understand that our relationship with Jesus is not an easy “road” to take.  In fact, there will and probably be many hardships & battles (both internally & externally).

With that understanding, we pray that those who attend, would be encouraged and challenged to press on with their relationship with Jesus, because when it’s all said and done, truly LIFE is and will be found.  Anything else will ultimately lead to destruction.

Dates: February 28 March 2, 2025

Cost: $200, which includes all meals at camp, transportation, and lodging at retreat. If you need financial assistance, please contact Pastor Josh at 805-832-3827

Location: Camp Cedar Crest, 33325 Green Valley Lake Road, Running Springs, CA 92382, Phone: 909-867-2531

Lodging: Cabins with bunk beds.

Who can come: 6th - 12th grades

RSVP:  Please use the link below to register and pay. Please rsvp as soon as you can so we can book rooms and arrange transportation.  

Please also fill out the Retreat Release Form (separate from Calvary Chapel Conejo Valley's release).

Leaving the church at: 9:00am on Friday, transportation provided. Please meet in the Whole Foods parking lot at 740 N Moorpark Rd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. 

What to Bring in general:

  1. Only one Backpack/bag or carry-on suitcase or one size larger per youth. Space in vehicles may be limited... so please only pack for Saturday & Sunday.
  2. Sleeping Bag.
  3. Pillow.
  4. Jacket.
  5. Beanie.
  6. Snow gloves or gloves.
  7. Toiletries (Toothbrush, tooth paste, shampoo, deodorant, contacts/glasses, etc.).
  8. Towel.
  9. Clothes for 2 days. It gets cold, so please bring layers and warm clothes.
  10. Sleep wear, pajamas, etc.
  11. Boots for rain or snow.
  12. Sneakers.
  13. Flashlight.
  14. Ear plugs for sleeping with snorers.
  15. Bible-other than the one on your phone.
  16. Must have filled out both medical release forms and sent it to the youth pastor (1)Medical Release link with instructions on sending (2) Retreat Release Form

Suggested Items:


Extra socks

Sun glasses

Parents please send your youth with money to buy lunch on the way up and the way back from the retreat, "Suggested amount $40 per child"

Suggest that belongings be marked & Identified by adding one’s name onto property

When Packing Clothes, please ensure that none are profane &/or provocative

What NOT to Bring/Do:

The allowing ABSOLUTES are cause for immediate removal from the retreat, In extreme cases we may call local law enforcement, along with PARENTS WILL NEED TO PICK UP CHILD:




-NO FIRE of any KIND







- CELL PHONES can ONLY be used during the time to, and from the retreat and during FREE TIME.  All other times (during teachings, camp time, meal times, game times, etc, Cell Phones must be given to Retreat Leader to be held or left in vehicle.

Medication & Food: 

If any child needs a special diet, please let us know at least four weeks before the retreat so we can attempt to accommodate. We always encourage a child with special eating requirements to pack their own food for the retreat.

We will have a few medical supplies for any injuries until the Ambulance/Parents can arrive at Camp Cedar Crest. If any of your Youth have a problem and need medicine, they will need to come with their youth leader to receive any over the counter medication. Please ensure that they are not allergic to the medicine. It's best to have a list of any over the counter medicine your youth may be allergic to.

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