Hello friends and family,
If you're receiving this it's because you have signed up to come to our Thanksgiving dinner. Here are the details.
It starts at 2pm, at 548 Canyon Vista Dr. Thousand Oka s CA. 91320. We will supply all the main courses. Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed potatoes & gravy, Rolls, and some drinks.
Please bring your favorite drinks and/or dessert to share, some people asked if they could bring their favorite side dish and we said yes, so if you feel led to, you can as well.
There are 22 adults (includes Youth) and 9 children coming.
We ordered a bounce house with a slide for the kids.
Also bring some warm clothing & camping chairs, at 6:30pm we will be projecting a movie on a 20 foot screen in our backyard & have a fire pit. The Movie will be an animation film for the whole family.
If for some reason you cannot make it please text and let me know ASAP, text to 805-405-8414, thanks.
We look forward to fellowshipping with you and giving Jesus Christ thanks for all He has done, all He is doing and all He will do. Amen