Young adults beach bbq

Let's kick off summer with a beach fellowship BBQ!

When: Friday, June 7, at 5:30 PM (or whenever you can make it)

Who: Young Adults Ministry (Ages 18-30)

Where: Meet at Sycamore Cove,

9000 Pacific Coast Hwy, Malibu, CA 90265

We will be at this beach, we will try to share exact details when we get a spot. However, there is little to no cell service at this beach. It's a small beach, we will be able to find each other.

Parking: There is parking at the beach, and there is also parking right across the street at the campground. Just ask for day use parking.

What to bring:  

Food!! We will do a potluck style BBQ. Please share bellow what food you can bring

Games! Bring any beach/ outdoor games you have

Music! If you have any speakers please bring them. And for our gifted musicians, please bring your instruments! We will do a fire and worship at sunset

Please reach out to Sarah and Adam or Chris and Karalyn